Chapter I 31 Purposes of immigration controlFrist of all, before coming into the main subject it is confirmed that the word “immigration administration” is defined as control of entry into Japan and departure from it, residence management, and refugee recognition in this book.Article 1 of the ICRRA provides for the purpose of immigration control as “to provide for equitable control over the entry and departure of all persons in Japan, the residence of all foreign nationals in Japan, and to consolidate the recognition procedure of the refugee status”.Reflecting this purpose, the Act for Establishment of the Ministry of Justice provides for the roles and functions of the immigration control under the Ministry as :○ control over entry and departure of foreign nationals ;○ control over departure and return of Japanese nationals ;○ control over residence of foreign nationals in Japan ;○ recognition procedure of refugee status ; and○ planning and comprehensive co-ordination for integration of policy in all the parts of the executive on the basis of a basic line decided at a cabinet meeting regarding an important policy (of the cabinet in relation to the Ministry of Justice). They may be summarised as follows (1), (2), and (3) below belong to the matters regarding entry and residence of foreign nationals, and, (4) below belongs to those regarding recognition procedure of refugee status :⑴ Entry and landing of foreign nationalsThe ICRRA differentiates “entry” which means entering the territorial water or air of Japan (Chapter 2, Section 1) and “landing” which means landing on the territory of Japan (Chapter 2, Section 2). For entry, the ICRRA prohibits entry of one who does not possess a valid passport (or CHAPTER I OUTLINE OF IMMIGRATION CONTROL
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