
Appendix 143第1表 在留資格一覧表Table. 1 List of status of residence別表第1Appended Table 11‒1在留資格Status of ResidenceAuthorised activities (according to the ICRRA)外  交日本国政府が接受する外国政府の外交使節Diplomat団若しくは領事機関の構成員,条約若しくは国際慣行により外交使節と同様の特権及び免除を受ける者又はこれらの者と同一の世帯に属する家族の構成員としての活動Activities on the part of constituent members of diplomatic missions or consular organisations of foreign governments hosted by the Government of Japan, activities on the part of those who are provided with privileges and/or immunities equivalent to those of diplomatic missions pursuant to treaties or international customary practices, or, activities on the part of their family members belonging to the same household公  用日本国政府の承認した外国政府若しくは国Official際機関の公務に従事する者又はその者と同一の世帯に属する家族の構成員としての活関係資料Appendix本邦において行うことができる活動在留期間Period of Stay (according to the ICRRAER)外交活動を行う期間period during which the foreign national engages in the activities listed to diplomatic activities, namely during mission.5年,3年,1年,3月,30日又は15日5 years, 3 years, 1 1

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