
Preface 5more than 10 years since the last edition. Since then, some amendments of the ICRRA itself have been repeated as follows from the newest back to the older ;in 2023 introduction of the “subsidiary protection” and a large scale of revision regarding deportation procedure, especially the immigration detention ;in 2018 introduction of the status of residence “Specified Skilled Worker”, Immigration Bureau as an internal bureau raised to a higher status “Agency” as an independent organ of the Ministry of Justice, and enlargement of its services in charge ;in 2016 introduction of the status of residence “Nursing Care” ; andin 2014 introduction of the status of residence “Highly Skilled Professional” and landing permission for cruise ship tourist, the integration of the both status “Engineer” and “Specialist in Humanities/ International Services” into the new status “Engineer/ Specialist in Humanities/ International Services”, introduction of a new status “Business Manager” substituting “Investment/ Business Manager”, enlargement of users of the automated gates for passport control, and introduction of Passenger Name Registration System.On the other hand, 2 bills to amend ICRRA and TITA were passed by the Diet last June, the main contents of which are establishing a new legal system in relation to the status of residence “Employment for Training (which would be provisory English translation)” substituting that of the current status “Technical Intern Training” and integration of residence card and individual number card as well as designation of criteria for permission of permanent residence and its revocation. As these bills have been passed by the Diet, they will be enforced within 3 years as laws.“A Guide to Entry and Residence and Procedures in Japan for Foreign Nationals” has been updated as the 10th edition in accordance with the subsequent major amendments in laws, regulations and practices until the 31 July 2024, namely except both the above-mentioned acts not in force yet.

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