100 100 100 102 33 113 55 87 34 36 87 15 6 58 58 120 118 39 22 124 23 78 71 103 125 92 60 20 17 55 17 98 71 96 37 12 51 127 51 80 80 47 80 47 62 85 26 30 12 57 73 119 119 126 45 87Bbail bailee bailment bailor balance sheet bankrupt bankruptcy 131 71 58 81 81 65 100 34 88 109 125 125 125 119 122 9 53 14 108 8 33 93 121 16 20 57 88 62 57 58 102 66 8 46 113 19 3 68 73 21assignee assignment assignment order assignor assistance/aid assistant assistant in court assistant judge association or foundation without legal personality assumption assumption (of office) assumption of obligation attaching creditor attachment attainment attempt attendance attorney (at law) auction auction applicant audience audit audit certification audit committee audit committee member audit corporation audit report authentic authentic instrument authenticated copy author authority authority to ask for clarification authorization to exploit automatic public transmission automatic public transmission server average wage avoid award bankruptcy creditor bankruptcy proceedings bankruptcy trustee bar association based on basic personal exemption be in office be present in court be subject to a fine bear bearer become effective become final and binding beneficial interest beneficiary beneficiary certificates benefit of prescription benevolent intervention in another's affairs bequest bid bid rigging bidding process bigamy bilateral contract bill binding binding effect blue return board of company auditors board of directors board of liquidators body search bond (certificate) (corporate) bond bond administrator bond register bond with share option bondholder bondholders meeting book-entry books and documents borrower borrowings boundary branch office breach breach of duty of loyalty bribe brief
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